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Border Security


1) We all want secure borders.  Ok, maybe not all!  The Republican House of Representatives is turning down 'the best deal on the border' in a generation, due to their wanting to keep it as an election issue, at Donald Trump's request!  The bi-partisan deal that is currently on the table was created in the Senate. This includes an additional 1,300 border patrol agents, 375 immigration judges, 1,600 asylum officers, and over 100 cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect and stop fentanyl at our southwest border.  With a Democratic majority in the House, this would be voted on, pass and be implemented, and be a serious step to resolving the border crisis!

2) Let's go back a step - The US Border is not an ‘open border’.  Both the number of border agents and the use of technology to secure our southern border are at an all time high.  Laws are being followed.  New legislation and funding(as described in #1) are required.

3) There is an unprecedented surge of migrants and asylum seekers due to harsh conditions in Central and South America.  Long-term, we need to aid Central America in ways that stabilize their governments and economies.

4) The Trump administration dismantled the infrastructure that was working well for the USA, and the asylum seekers, and had achieved record numbers of deportations under Obama.  The Trump administration reduced the number of judges and those processing applications for immigrants, breaking down a well-functioning system.  Obama's administration deported more people in each term,(3.1 and 2.1 million) than Trump(2.0) in his one term.

5) The Republican-led, majority in the House of Representatives could reform immigration and resolve the issues surrounding the border, if they chose to. The House Republicans have chosen to keep the immigration issue alive because the former President is telling them to.  

6) President Biden has enacted an executive order due to the House decision to 'not do anything'.  

My interpretation of the border issue, is that our current representative does not tell the whole story on the border and immigration issues.

My opponent Nick Langworthy is a member of a Republican majority in the House, yet no meaningful legislation has been offered up by the House and they are stonewalling the 2024 border proposal from the Senate.

My opponent also knows that he has not supported legislation to correct the border crisis.  He has not supported legislation to reform immigration policy, nothing to protect the “Dreamers’, nothing to certify immigrants into any status of legal work to alleviate our unemployment numbers to boost the economy.

He also knows that the border wall does little to reduce any migration, 

Nick Langworthy knows that we have more border agents and surveillance technology in operation than ever before, yet, he acts like there is not.

He knows that the last administration reduced border protections and the numbers of judges to process illegal immigrants, dismantling a functional and effective asylum/deportation process, and that more is being done than ever before, yet he will state falsities about the situation.

He knows that everyone in law enforcement is focused on child trafficking, yet, he acts like they are not.

Generally speaking, our Congressman, and representatives like him are the biggest part of the problem with Congress and they are certainly not the solution.  Nick Langworthy knows the truth, yet does not say it.  He would rather complain than do the work necessary to sponsor proper and effective legislation to resolve the border immigration issue, once and for all!  

It comes down to this - Nick Langworthy and the Republican politicians in the House of Representatives have said that they DO NOT want to work with Democrats to resolve border issues prior to the 2024 elections.  

The reality is that with a group that represents all of the border stakeholders, a process to improve all aspects could be developed, legislated, passed and put into action. If the Republican majority in the House of Representatives wanted to correct the problem, they would. The Senate has a well-thought out plan that could be voted on, passed and implemented, yet the House does nothing.

Bottom line - my opponent supports the strategy of blocking comprehensive resolution to the border crisis.  He will not stand up to his leadership and he will not stand up for you!

I would vote for the immigration/southern border bill that has been presented to the House and would also support the Democratic coalition led by Representatives Suozzi and Cuellar, for increased border security, including limits, shutdowns and increased funding.

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