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The Environment 

No matter where you stand on major environmental debate regarding climate change, the sheer scale of the issue is beyond the individual to effect change globally.  However, we can all agree that it’s a good idea to be responsible for taking care of what is within our reach.  When leaving our natural world in as good or better of a condition, as we found it whenever we visit it.  Similar to those that fish, hunt and hike in the outdoors, we should all learn to 'cover our tracks' and remove our own footprint on nature, as we go forward. 

Taking care of nature within our reach likely spawned the phrase, 'Think globally. Act locally.'

The commonsense approach to understanding the damages that man-made emissions and chemicals are having on our environment can sometimes provide clarity.   When we understand that we cannot breathe or live on the exhaust from our car, it makes sense to limit/eliminate those emissions. 

When we understand that we can no longer use the water for drinking when it has been contaminated by oil or other chemicals, we know that we should work to reduce or eliminate them from our watersheds. 

The automotive industry can make vehicles that require less energy, with increased mileage.  If we encourage them to do so, and it only makes sense, we can save money while cleaning up that portion of the environment! 

New, less polluting fuels are being developed and tested for vehicles.  

The EV(Electric Vehicle) is a promising and relatively new technology, which just like the Internal Combustion Engine did, needs time to evolve.  

And with that, fossil fuels will continue to be used for the time it takes to make conversions to cleaner energies.  With the number of vehicles on the planet and current rates of production, this transition phase could take 25 years!  In the meantime, conservation is key!

When we identify chemicals that are hazardous to life, whether it is popular weed-killers, 'forever chemicals', nuclear waste, or something else, we then need to limit or eliminate their use, and incorporate safeguards against future use.

When we protect our waters and our air, we protect our life, which is the natural extension of protecting our planet. 

There will always be a need to utilize the natural materials of the earth.  The conservation of all natural resources is vitally important and can be increased through education and innovation.  'Conserve, conserve, conserve'.  In the desert, you would conserve your water. It only makes sense to conserve other natural resources that have been utilized into the products we use everyday.  In most cases, our earth's raw materials, can be used again by following the slogan, 'Reduce - Reuse - Recycle'.  The process of conserving through recycling, is good for us and the earth we live on, no matter your stance on the larger issues.  

Engineered obsolescence is the practice of manufacturing goods that will not last, creating the need to purchase more.  We need to eliminate this practice in favor of reducing the wastes of materials, effort and energy.

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar can continue to reduce the need for fossil fuels, as their use is expanded and investments in them are made.  Renewables may never be the total answer.  Nuclear energy may have to increase.  Fossil fuels are still required, and will be for the foreseeable future, as we transition to cleaner energy.  Since clean energy technology is in its infancy stage, including electric vehicles, there will need to be further advances.  Advancements will happen as we incorporate clean energy solutions into our calculations for energy supply going forward, and it should become less expensive, more efficient and installer-friendly!

Energy conservation programs can be continue to be promoted due to their long-term savings, and incentivized on a larger scale.  Take advantage of the many programs that our energy providers offer that can reduce your usage and save you money!  Similar to the transition from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent and now to LED, each of us has the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars per year!   Support cleaner energy!

Throughout my working career I have been fortunate to have had some control over sustainability projects, and environmental improvements!  And the best part is that there is money in waste streams!  Whether it was chemical usage reductions, water reductions and protections, money was saved!  In cases where recycling could be involved, money could be made - plastics and corrugated have a market!  In other cases, used goods that are returned can be sold to after-markets!   And there's more!   We can do more and have a positive impact on the bottom-line, simultaneously!

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