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An old friend is running as an Independent for Congress in the 23rd District which covers the Broome County region, but not Conklin. I would like everyone to read his thoughts, this is a sensible, honest, intelligent man who would be an excellent representative.
I really didn't want to come out swinging in the beginning of my campaign, when my goal is to unite and help the people on the 23rd District, return to normalcy. However, for me to keep talking about what my plans, policies and what I might legislate on to get your vote, and how that is important to us, seems petty versus what I am going to share with you now.
Voting is important. It is as serious, as it gets. And as we all hear from both sides of the political spectrum, elections have consequences. Sometimes those consequences are very serious and they can be tragic.
When we allowed Donald Trump to become the president of United States, we unknowingly put the world in jeopardy. I only say allowed because he did not win the popular vote and we all know that we could have done more to stop him from being elected. Many of us just didn’t think it could happen and if it did, would it really be so bad - I mean, the pendulum swings back and forth and always has in our country.
Fast forward to a month ago, no one could have imagined that electing Donald Trump could have had the long-range disastrous outcomes that we are witnessing today, in the Ukraine. You cannot look at the horrors of the Ukraine crisis at the hands of Russia and say that Trump had nothing to do with it.
Though the responsibility for the invasion itself is all on Putin and Russia, the following examples that you are well aware of, contributed to the scenario where it made it possible for such a savage action to take place!
-Trump demonstrated a new America that was not interested in global cooperation by pulling out of the Iranian Nuclear Agreement and the Paris Environmental Accord.
— Trump sided with Putin against all of the United States intelligence agencies, in front of the world, in Helsinki
-Trump disparaged the FBI while he entertained Russian diplomats in the Oval Office.
-Trump ordered the removal of the US Ambassador to Ukraine on Guiliani’s advice.
— He refused to share his interpreters' notes of a private meeting with Putin.
— He utilized a pro-Russian, campaign manager for his own in Paul Manafort, who worked for free.
-- He backed out of the open skies treaty of 1992 with Russia which provided intelligence and had been in place for nearly three decades, that kept Russia honest. He did that on Nov 22, 2020, after Trump had already lost the election.
— He pulled US troops out of Syria and allowed Russia to takeover as the leading nation in that region, abandoning the Kurds that had fought alongside us.
-- He repeatedly criticized NATO and its members, and nearly dismantled it.
-- He delayed congressionally approved funds for the Ukraine military, who’s only reason for having a strong military is Russia, to create controversy in the 2020 election.
It does not matter if you voted for him or not, because his election happened on our watch and we all bear some responsibility. Like many of us, I could have spoken out more and maybe swayed a few people. I could have argued with my Republican friends a bit more, before the election. I could have run for office during that cycle, and I could have encouraged others to do so.
Not to beat a dead horse, he also mocked the disabled, he promoted racial divides, assaulted multiple women, we found that he had cheated on his pregnant wife, mocked other candidates from his party first, and then the other.
The America that I know and love could never elect someone like him, but we did. Not by popular vote, but by our electoral process. We all know that we could have done better.
What none of us knew that we know now, is that people in our government, would become loyal or fearful of him. Republicans had an opportunity to show him the door after bad behavior and did not. They played along because they felt like it would somehow lengthen or benefit their own careers. He would be the ‘dummy president’, signing off on what the Republicans wanted and legislated. He could rally the voters and they could cash in. Simple. Only issue is that he had agendas of his own.
What happened was that their collective turning of a blind eye to his antics behaviors and policies, caused the USA to lose its footing as a world leader on anything, The USA, on the world stage had lost its moral, ethical standing. Who else’s heart sank when Angela Merkel was referred to as the ‘Leader of the Free World’? The global community could no longer look to the USA for leadership under Trump. He had lied, cheated and broke legal, cultural and political norms.
Even post-presidency, he is still talking and walking around, though he set the stage for an insurrection in our country….during the Covid outbreak he did not share his knowledge of the virus being airborne for months, did not promote preventive measures, causing how many more people to become ill or perish.
Now, getting back to Ukraine...
Prior to Trump, we were the nation that many could count on…for decades. After we allowed Trump to be elected, it appeared that we were no more to be counted on. This aspect added to the anxiety of NATO members, and no doubt made Russia more confident in its aspirations towards Ukraine.
Little did we know when we allowed Trump to hold the reins of our nation that there would be outcomes like the Ukraine massacre.
We all need to take the campaign, and election process and its candidates more seriously in the future. The spillover of our failure at the ballot box in 2016, has helped to create a chosen-war over nothing. The repercussions and damage of this war by Russia will be felt for generations. Prior to the Ukraine war, I had thought that we were the only ones suffering the aftermath of Trump. I was wrong.
I want us to get it right this time - that is why I am running - I can’t sit on the sidelines - neither can you! If we sit by and let supporters of this failed leader win seats, we will be living with the bad decision of 2016 for even longer.
Traditional Republicans - Join me!
Democrats - Join me!
Independents - Join me!
I can represent all of us! Share the common ground with me…it is more than what divides us!
When a Trump-supporting candidate is running anywhere, remember the Ukraine war and the people under the bridge…..remember the older ladies with AK47s….and remember the maternity hospital bombing…and if you are not appalled by the war, consider the number of Covid deaths that may have been prevented if he had been honest and dealt with it seriously….elections do indeed have consequences.
If you get off the T train, no one is going to hold it against you…just get off...but, you have to change how you look at voting….serious, competent candidates from here on out! And when someone tells you or shows you who they really are, believe them!
Let’s work to get it right, the next time we vote for someone to represent us!

Debbie Fisher Marascia

I sure wish Conklin was in your district. This was wonderful, and I wonder if even one trumper will read it and know it's the truth.

    Barbara Webb McCormick
    Wishing you were in my district Tom!
    • C4C to Barbara Webb McCormick I know - it would help the cause! I am hoping that I can get a bit of the old GF crew from Dansville, Dalton, Mt Morris, etc to see that I am running and pass me around their circles....
  • Well darn!!! I thought we were’!
    Nikki Llewellyn
    Holy cow! Mt Morris is in your district! I’m for Tom Carle in a big way!
    • Carle for Congress 2022
      Thank you, Nikki! I will be sure to let you know when I am going to be around for some local tips! In the meantime, please feel free to share my posts and my website with your contacts! I won't let you down! and Carle for Congress on FB!
  • Ed Donahue

    Tom thank you for running! You my friend would make a difference in New York!

    Ginny Kingston

    Good Luck Tom

    Lynn Allen Gurney

    Wonderful!!! Proud of you for stepping up!!!

    Kathi Gosper

    I wish you were running in my district. I would soooo vote for you

    Chris Mehl

    I couldn’t be more pleased, at this news, Tom. A rare breed your are though, An honest man in the politics of today? I wish you the very best, my friend. When things start happening, let us know. Good Luck!

    Chris Gough

    More power to you, my friend, I wish I could help in the voting department, but you have my support in spirit.

    Michelle Muise

    You would have my vote in anything you wanted to do. No questions asked. You're the man!!

    Larry Pease

    Go get ‘em Tom!!
    24m  · 
    I’m going to share this again! Tom is a family man. Always willing to help others! Is as honest as anyone could be! He will listen to every person he meets. I’ll guarantee that he will be better then the person who represents the 23rd district now! I’ve known Tom most I’ve my life! When I needed someone to talk with he listened! People really you will improve your district by voting for him! I know a lot of my Facebook friends live in the 23rd district. Please share the hell out of this! A big Thank you!


    For United States Congress District 23

    Committee to Elect Thomas Carle
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